Get ready to take control of your journey

Schedule an Appointment Today

Using the breath to remove past traumas (big or small), remove blockages (physical or energetic) and connect to your inner knowing.

After just one session, you’ll feel more in control, free from past patterns, able to access your goals and move forward in your life.

Sample of a session


  • Guided Breathwork with Georgia

    Private sessions can be booked via here

  • Breathwork consulatation

    15 minute free phone call consultation to understand why breath work can help you

  • Three sessions for big decisions

    Packages of three booked at a discounted rate for working through a tough period whether around change, decisions or grief

  • At home services

    Georgia offers in-home visits. This is perfect for new moms, children or anyone with a physical condition that makes it hard for them to travel.

    (Travel fees apply beyond a 20 minute commute from Hygiene)

  • Private Groups or events

    Whether it is a full moon ceremony, a retreat or simply to create community.

    Georgia can facilitate groups at her farm or in your own gathering space

  • Online courses

    Via Zoom or Face Time Georgia will facilitate private sessions and explain how it works in a prior consultation

“I’m a now free of mis-guided beliefs surrounding my worthiness for love and abundance,

Thank you, Georgia!”

– Ellie. B.